#16: A Visit with Will Harris of White Oak Pastures

I’ve been aware of White Oak Pastures for a while. They are a farming outfit out of Bluffton, Georgia. I didn’t pay a lot of attention at first, as we aren’t in a position to work with them directly at Me & McGee Market. But after I recently listened to a Herd Quitter podcast interviewing the owner, Will Harris, I became blown away.

As I dug in, the principles that can be applied elsewhere stood out. Being from a small town in Arkansas, I witnessed the impact of the primary industry at the time, The Pickle Plant, leaving and the hardships associated with that. Will Harris has found an early niche that is becoming more and more popular (and for a good reason).

Pastured meats are a superior health food by a vast margin. What makes me beyond impressed, is how the group has used a method of farming that improves the environment in a way to build the local economy.

Recorded on location… This episode, we'll be diving into the impact of regenerative agriculture on the local economy, learning about the revitalization of Bluffton, and delving into what true wealth means to Will.